Empower friends

to plan ahead toavoid a Siitch.

Guests control

what they share. Only hosts can see guests individual responses.


Everyone should have the opportunity to participate, no matter their Siitch.

Save your profile

Save your own, and your family’s profiles for future events.


Confidence as you plan. Confidence on the day.

Privately share event data

Hiring a caterer or hosting a potluck? Share your group's SUMMARIZED information.

Summaries save

For hosts, the invitee list and guests’ SUMMARIZED data is saved for future events.

Peace of mind

For guests, 24 hrs after the event, all personal identifying dietary information deletes. Privacy!

Recipes ideas

Links to diet-specific
recipes and more.

Party tips

Links to party tips from professionals and mom experts.

Know who to contact

It’s hard to remember everyone’s Siitch. If you have questions about someone’s diet, you’ll know who to contact.

Keep guests food-safe

No one wants an ambulance coming to their event. Asking guests for information in advance gives them confidence and shows you care.


Hi Friends,

For the potluck this weekend, it looks like a lot of folks are allergic or intolerant to shrimp. Please keep this in mind.


Knowledge is Power

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