Set Up
Your Event

Upload an image, add location, date and details.

Upload an image, add location, date and details.

Invite Guests

Send your invitations
via email or text message.

Guests List
Their Diet Needs
(if any)

Guests lists their
diet needs (if any)

Guests easily RSVP listing their diet, allergens and intolerances (if any), and answer any questions you've asked.

Receive Info &
Plan Your Party!

Get detailed preferences from all your guests and plan accordingly.

Receive Info &
Plan Your Party!

Get detailed preferences from all
your guests and plan accordingly.

Looks like I’ve got 6 vegetarians, 3 vegans and 22 allergy-free guests. 80% of my guests love pizza, 20% prefer veggies...Got it!

Share Summaries (optional)

Potluck or hiring a caterer? Securely and privately share summary information so everyone providing food can save time and money.

more info


Individual profiles
and Summary details


Summary details ONLY if a host chooses to share for Potluck events.


24 hrs after the event


for hosts

The guest list and event SUMMARY saves for 1 year.


for guests

To protect guest's privacy, all personally identifying dietary information deletes.

Save Your

Guests can save their profile(s) for future events.