our mission

Provide simple tools to keep people safe while saving you time and money.

our vision

A world where people are food-safe, food-happy, with reduced food-waste.

we believe in

• Inclusivity

• Community

• Keeping things simple

• Keeping people safe

Drew Aveling


Drew has worked at DreamWorks Animation, DreamWorks Pictures, and for a Venture Capitalist in London. Before starting Siitch, Drew Co-founded Online Allergies, a free site dedicated to helping people prevent allergic reactions.

After having hundreds of conversations with mothers, teachers, and event planners about the constant pain point of food management, Drew developed Siitch to help people manage their Siitch-uation.

An Australian expat, Drew was fortunate to have childhood friends from over thirty countries. “I figured out early that no matter how different our Siitch, we are more alike than we are different. Making the world a wee-bit better makes me tick.“